Application Form - Step 2

Please tick the boxes below for all Competency Sets for which you are able to subsequently verify. This is an important step and forms the basis of your certification profile.

Discipline : Discipline Element : Element Sub Element : Sub Element CompetencySet : Set
Level 1 Core Set: Level 1 Core Set

Core Competency Sets:

Discipline Continuous Improvement
Element Process Monitoring
Competency Set 241. Understands Performance Management Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of the integration of performance indicators, gap analysis and corrective actions to achieve optimal performance of organisational functions.
Discipline Operations and Maintenance
Element Maintenance
Competency Set 238. Understands Maintenance Management Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of the strategies, process and procedures associated with the planning, organisation and control of the maintenance function.
Element Operations
Competency Set 240. Understands Operations Management Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of the process conducted to specify those operational tasks from the Operations Plan, to be performed at a specific time or period.
Competency Set 242. Understands Quality Control Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of ensuring that high quality is maintained through various stages of a process.
Discipline Systems Engineering
Element Support Analysis
Competency Set 233. Understands Design Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of engineering, architecture, and other creative endeavours applied to meet specifications for physical assets and their components.
Competency Set 234. Understands Integrated Support Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of the disciplined approach to the activities necessary to sustain physical assets and their components throughout the utilisation phase of the life cycle.
Competency Set 244. Understands Reliability Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of the capability of physical assets or their components to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time.
Competency Set 246. Understands Support Analysis Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of the selective application of scientific and engineering processes and efforts undertaken during the acquisition process, as part of the system engineer.
Discipline Business Management
Competency Set 229. Understands Asset Management Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of the life cycle management of physical assets.
Competency Set 230. Understands Asset Management Terminology Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the system and definition of words and phrases used to name things associated with the life cycle management of physical assets.
Competency Set 237. Understands Life Cycle Cost Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of the sum of acquisition cost and ownership costs of a physical asset over its life cycle.
Competency Set 239. Understands Objectives Based Management Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of management of organisational functions based on business function and objectives.
Discipline Culture and Leadership
Competency Set 231. Understands Change Management Principles and Processes Level 1 Core
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of transitioning people, and organisations from a current state to a desired future state.

Non Core Competency Sets:

Discipline Continuous Improvement
Element Process Audit
Competency Set 236. Understands Lean Thinking Principles and Processes
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of concepts based on improving flow in and eliminating waste from work activities.
Discipline Systems Engineering
Element Support Analysis
Competency Set 245. Understands Supply Chain Principles and Processes
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of the system of organisations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in the procurement, storage and distribution of material.
Discipline Culture and Leadership
Competency Set 232. Understands Concepts of Individual Competence
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the theory and practice associated with the knowledge, skills, values, experience of individuals required to effectively perform their work.
Competency Set 235. Understands Labour Management Principles and Processes
Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of the attributes or meaning of the philosophies and content of the operative functions of personnel within the workplace.

Years of Asset Mangement Experience:

I agree to have my name and level of certification posted on
the AM Council website should I be successfully assessed.