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Name: Learning Organisations
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An organisation that actively seeks change in environment or domain knowledge and adapts to improve its products or services.

The fourth key principle of asset management is a "learning organisation" where lessons are harvested from measuring and analysing performance and learning is disseminated and actioned. An organisation that actively seeks change in environment or domain knowledge and adapts to improve its products or services is a learning organisation.
It is self-evident that good asset management organisations are learning organisations. They have transparency of process, and transparency of the decision making involved. Their approach can be considered as a view of continuous improvement that focuses on people, their understanding of their role within the organisation; their ability to look at the processes and resources provided, and their ability to challenge those arrangements and not feel threatened. Plan Do Check Act: A Process
Within the principles of the Asset Management Concept Model is the Plan Do Check Act Process. Asset management is a process, or a series of steps or acts, for performing a function or accomplishing a result, meaning that there is a start and a finish. In between, there are feedback loops to continuously sustain alignment of the managed assets and the stakeholders who are served or affected by the asset. 

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A thorough analysis to compare community demands, expectations and needs with current and possible sources of service supply.

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