Competency Units in Competency:

Manages information

Manages information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading: C3: Self Management in the Engineering Workplace
Reference:Engineers Australia, Australian Engineering Competency Standards
Scheme:Australian Engineering Competency Standards (Professional Engineer)
Issuer:Engineers Australia
Organise workplace information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:CPP07 Property Services Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Property Services Training Package/unit/BSBCMN305A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Present and apply workplace information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:FDF03 Food Processing Industry Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Food Processing Industry Training Package/unit/FDFCORWCM2A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Access and modify computer records and documents
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:FPP01 Pulp And Paper Manufacturing Industries Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Pulp And Paper Manufacturing Industries Training Package/unit/FPPCSK1A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Access and modify computer records and documents
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:FPP98 Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industries (Superseded by FPP01)
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industries (Superseded by FPP01)/unit/FPPCSK1A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Organise and communicate information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:MEM05 Metal and Engineering Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Metal and Engineering Training Package/unit/MEM16006A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Access, update and retrieve simple computerised information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:MNC04 Coal Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Coal Training Package/unit/MNCG1025A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Access, update and retrieve simple computerised information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:MNC98 Black Coal (Superseded by MNC04)
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Black Coal (Superseded by MNC04)/unit/MNC.G25.A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Organise and communicate information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:MSA07 Manufacturing Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Manufacturing Training Package/unit/MEM16006A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Relay and respond to information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:PMA02 Chemical, Hydrocarbons And Oil Refining Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Chemical, Hydrocarbons And Oil Refining Training Package/unit/PMASUP110A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Relay and respond to information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:PMA98 Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Oil Refining (Superseded by PMA02)
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Oil Refining (Superseded by PMA02)/unit/PMACOM100A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Organise and communicate information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:PMB07 Plastics, Rubber and Cablemaking Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Plastics, Rubber and Cablemaking Training Package/unit/MEM16006A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Relay and respond to information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:PMC04 Manufactured Mineral Products Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Manufactured Mineral Products Training Package/unit/PMASUP110A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Relay and respond to information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:PMC99 Manufactured Mineral Products (Superseded by PMC04)
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Manufactured Mineral Products (Superseded by PMC04)/unit/PMCCOR101A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Organise workplace information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:PSP04 Public Sector Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Public Sector Training Package/unit/PSPGOV307B
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Organise workplace information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:PUA00 Public Safety (Not All Units Available For Public Access) Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Public Safety (Not All Units Available For Public Access) Training Package/unit/PSPGOV307B
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Access, update and retrieve simple computerised information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:RTE03 Rural Production Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Rural Production Training Package/unit/MNCG1025A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Organise workplace information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:SRC04 Community Recreation Industry Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Community Recreation Industry Training Package/unit/BSBCMN305A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Relay and respond to information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:ZKO99 Kodak (Australasia) - (CONFIDENTIAL - Not all detail is accessible)
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Kodak (Australasia) - (CONFIDENTIAL - Not all detail is accessible)/unit/PMACOM100A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Access, Update and Retrieve Simple Computerised Information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:ZZZ00 Non-Training Package Units
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Non-Training Package Units/unit/MNCG25A
Issuer:National Training Information Service
Organise workplace information
Asset Management Principles | Learning Organisations | Manages information
Heading:UEG06 Gas Industry Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Gas Industry Training Package/unit/BSBCMN305A
Issuer:National Training Information Service