Competency Units in Competency:

Applies Demand Management Processes and Procedures

Analyse business needs for the creation and/or acquisition of assets based on the requirements of the AM Plan
Demand Management | Demand Analysis | Applies Demand Management Processes and Procedures
Heading:Unit 3.1 Create and Acquire Assets
Reference:Institute of Asset Management, V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements, 08/02/2008
Scheme:V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements
Issuer:Institute of Asset Management
Establish new business opportunities, ventures or undertakings consistent with the business strategy and~action plans of the organization.
Demand Management | Demand Analysis | Applies Demand Management Processes and Procedures
Heading:5.3.3 Investment Management Process
Reference:Standards Association of Australia 2003, Systems engineering - System life cycle processes, (AS NZS 15288-2003), Standards Australia, North Sydney.
Issuer:Standards Australia
Define a representative set of activity sequences to identify all required services that correspond to anticipated~operational and support scenarios and environments.
Demand Management | Demand Analysis | Applies Demand Management Processes and Procedures
Heading:5.5.2 Stakeholder Requirements Definition Process
Reference:Standards Association of Australia 2003, Systems engineering - System life cycle processes, (AS NZS 15288-2003), Standards Australia, North Sydney.
Issuer:Standards Australia
Identify the interaction between users and the system.
Demand Management | Demand Analysis | Applies Demand Management Processes and Procedures
Heading:5.5.2 Stakeholder Requirements Definition Process
Reference:Standards Association of Australia 2003, Systems engineering - System life cycle processes, (AS NZS 15288-2003), Standards Australia, North Sydney.
Issuer:Standards Australia
Define appropriate logical architectural designs.
Demand Management | Demand Analysis | Applies Demand Management Processes and Procedures
Heading:5.5.4 Architectural Design Process
Reference:Standards Association of Australia 2003, Systems engineering - System life cycle processes, (AS NZS 15288-2003), Standards Australia, North Sydney.
Issuer:Standards Australia