Competency Units in Competency:

Prepares Investment Options Proposals

Identify and appraise investment options for achieving the AM Strategy
Systems Engineering | Concept Exploration and Validation | Prepares Investment Options Proposals
Heading:Unit 1.4 Identify and Appraise Investment Options and Plans
Reference:Institute of Asset Management, V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements, 08/02/2008
Scheme:V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements
Issuer:Institute of Asset Management
Select investment options and develop business cases
Systems Engineering | Concept Exploration and Validation | Prepares Investment Options Proposals
Heading:Unit 1.4 Identify and Appraise Investment Options and Plans
Reference:Institute of Asset Management, V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements, 08/02/2008
Scheme:V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements
Issuer:Institute of Asset Management
Decide between investment options
Systems Engineering | Concept Exploration and Validation | Prepares Investment Options Proposals
Heading:Unit 1.4 Identify and Appraise Investment Options and Plans
Reference:Institute of Asset Management, V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements, 08/02/2008
Scheme:V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements
Issuer:Institute of Asset Management
Develop investment plans
Systems Engineering | Concept Exploration and Validation | Prepares Investment Options Proposals
Heading:Unit 1.4 Identify and Appraise Investment Options and Plans
Reference:Institute of Asset Management, V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements, 08/02/2008
Scheme:V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements
Issuer:Institute of Asset Management
Analyse and benchmark the costs and benefits of investment options
Systems Engineering | Concept Exploration and Validation | Prepares Investment Options Proposals
Heading:Unit 2.5 Apply Whole Life Costing Principles
Reference:Institute of Asset Management, V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements, 08/02/2008
Scheme:V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements
Issuer:Institute of Asset Management
Assess the costs, risks and benefits of competing asset creation and/or acquisition options
Systems Engineering | Concept Exploration and Validation | Prepares Investment Options Proposals
Heading:Unit 3.1 Create and Acquire Assets
Reference:Institute of Asset Management, V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements, 08/02/2008
Scheme:V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements
Issuer:Institute of Asset Management
Appraise and prioritise investment projects based on their total business impact.
Systems Engineering | Concept Exploration and Validation | Prepares Investment Options Proposals
Heading:Unit 3.1 Create and Acquire Assets
Reference:Institute of Asset Management, V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements, 08/02/2008
Scheme:V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements
Issuer:Institute of Asset Management
Prepare business cases which identify and compare the costs, benefits and risks of proposed solutions based on the AM Plan.
Systems Engineering | Concept Exploration and Validation | Prepares Investment Options Proposals
Heading:Unit 3.1 Create and Acquire Assets
Reference:Institute of Asset Management, V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements, 08/02/2008
Scheme:V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements
Issuer:Institute of Asset Management