Competency Units in Competency:

Develops Supply Chain Processes and Procedures

Make sure the spares management process supports the asset management strategy and plan
Integrated Support | Support Analysis | Develops Supply Chain Processes and Procedures
Heading:Unit 3.4 Asset Optimisation and Rationalisation
Reference:Institute of Asset Management, V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements, 08/02/2008
Scheme:V2.0 Asset Management Competence Requirements
Issuer:Institute of Asset Management
Develop a model for supply chain management
Integrated Support | Support Analysis | Develops Supply Chain Processes and Procedures
Heading:Establish supply chains
Reference:Government Skills Australia, Defence Materiel Logistics,
Scheme:Defence Materiel Logistics
Issuer:Defence Materiel Organisation
Implement, monitor, rectify and report on inventory control system
Integrated Support | Support Analysis | Develops Supply Chain Processes and Procedures
Heading:MNC04 Coal Training Package
Reference:NTIS database,
Scheme: Coal Training Package/unit/MNCG1082A
Issuer:National Training Information Service